Human Rights/Public Law
Arani solicitors have great depth and knowledge if fighting for the rights and freedoms for all. We are committed to upholding the law and rights of individuals and have on numerous occasions taken the government to account regarding the lawfulness of decisions / Executive Orders (powers) / legislation / deemed to be intrusive or breach or the individual’s human rights.
We have a record of taking on some of the most challenging human rights cases in UK and maintain the Rule of Law.
Notable cases: (Brief description of a few unusual & complex cases are listed. Most involved National Security Evidence involving ‘Closed Material’ which the individual or his legal team are not allowed to see, involving Special Advocates. These and unique and specialised cases)

⁂ Secretary for State for the Home Department (SSHD) -and- XH
This was the first challenge to the ‘Revocation of British Passports’ by use of the Royal Prerogative Powers.
⁂ Secretary for State for the Home Department (SSHD) -and- AS
Proceedings in relation to the ‘Revocation of British Passports’ by use of the Royal Prerogative Powers. See above.
⁂ Secretary for State for the Home Department (SSHD) -and- TH
Proceedings in relation to the ‘Revocation of British Passports’ by use of the Royal Prerogative Powers. See above.
⁂ Secretary for State for the Home Department (SSHD) -and- MB
This was the First British person to be placed on the controversial ‘Control Orders’ curtailing liberties by placing controls such as: – Curfews, electronic tag, where an individual should live, boundary areas, internet not allowed, report to the police station daily, reporting to a monitoring company, seeking permission for employment, studies of training courses.
This matter raised serious grounds in relation to rights and freedoms of individuals and the Public protection. Allegation that our client MB had intentions to travel abroad to a war zone to engage in battle.
The consequences can be devastating for the individual and family.
Special Advocates (material not to be seen due to National Security – would be seen by Special Advocates (appointed with security clearance to view, however, cannot discuss this with the client or his legal team) were involved to protect the clients position in closed evidence. This was a Landmark case and the House of Lords re-mitted the case back to the lower court as the proceedings were deemed to be unfair as the client would not have sufficient evidence to challenge the allegations.
The issues related to fair trial and compatibility with European Human Rights. It was held that sufficient evidence should be provided to be able to effectively challenge the allegations and provide instructions.
The case went from the Administrative Court (High Court) to Court of Appeal, then to the House of Lords before being remitted back to the Administrative Court.
The mater has been reported extensively.
The Control Order was finally quashed.
⁂ Secretary for State for the Home Department (SSHD) -and- AL – Control Order Case – Similar proceedings as above.
⁂ Secretary for State for the Home Department (SSHD) -and- AM – Control Order Case – similar proceedings as above.
⁂ Secretary for State for the Home Department (SSHD) -and- FA – Control Order Case – similar proceedings as above.
⁂ MA -v- DPP (Director of Prosecutions) & 4 others represented by Arani Solicitors. Related to High Court Proceedings regarding a ‘Point of Principal’ related to rights of Freedom of Expression and threat to Public Order.
⁂ MI -v- SSHD – challenge the compatibility of the notification requirements of terrorist conviction when released from prison. Novel and complex.
⁂ ZR -v- HM Treasury – regarding the Designation under the Terrorism (United Nations Measures) Asset-Freezing Orders– These are measures that were used against those suspected of being individuals who may facilitate the Commission of acts of terrorism. This allowed the individuals assets to be frozen and monies controlled. The Allegations were that the client was part of Ansar Al Islam (Kurdish Islamic Organisation) and connected to a magazine called Dorbeen. Were large and complex proceedings, legal arguments to rights freedom. The order was quashed.
⁂ KB -v- HM Treasury – Asset Freezing designation – similar to above – related to Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)
⁂ AA -v- HM Treasury – Asset Freezing designation – similar to above – related to Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)
⁂ FH (Habeas Corpus application) – related to unique and complicated extradition proceedings and European arrest warrants. Matter appeared before the House of Lords and European Courts.